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  • 周峰

    地址:东安路130号,西13号楼315室,上海 200032

研究员   复旦大学,生物医学研究院,(2014.08-今)
博士University of Delaware,Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,(2002-2007)
课题组长周峰主持和参与多项国家和省部级项目,国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目,上海市科委项目等。迄今为止,以通讯作者或第一作者在国内外学术刊物上发表论文10余篇,包括Cell, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Communications, Analytical Chemistry等。

[1] Liu X, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Li M, Zhou F*, Li K, Cao H, Ni M, Liu Y, Gu Z, Dickerson KE, Xie S, Hon GC, Xuan Z, Zhang MQ, Shao Z, Xu J*. In Situ Capture of Chromatin Interactions by Biotinylated dCas9. Cell. 170(5): 1028-1043. IF: 30.410 (* Corresponding author

[2] Liu X, Zhang Y, Ni M, Cao H, Signer RAJ, Li D, Li M, Gu Z, Hu Z, Dickerson KE, Weinberg SE, Chandel NS, DeBerardinis RJ, Zhou F*, Shao Z*, Xu J*. Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis in erythropoiesis by mTORC1-mediated protein translation. Nat Cell Biol. 2017; 19(6): 626-638. * Corresponding author

[3] Lin Z, Li S, Feng C, Yang S, Wang H, Ma D, Zhang J, Gou M, Bu D, Zhang T, Kong X, Wang X, Sarig O, Ren Y, Dai L, Liu H, Zhang J, Li F, Hu Y, Padalon-Brauch G, Vodo D, Zhou F, Chen T, Deng H, Sprecher E, Yang Y, Tan X. Stabilizing mutations of KLHL24 ubiquitin ligase cause loss of keratin 14 and human skin fragility. Nat Genet. 2016; 48(12): 1508-1516.

[4] Zhou F, Lu Y, Ficarro SB, Adelmant G, Jiang W, Luckey CJ, Marto JA. Genome-scale proteome quantification by DEEP SEQ mass spectrometry. Nature communications. 2013; 4.

[5] Zhou F, Lu Y, Ficarro SB, Webber JT, Marto JA. Nanoflow low pressure high peak capacity single dimension LC-MS/MS platform for high-throughput, in-depth analysis of mammalian proteomes. Analytical chemistry. 2012; 84(11): 5133-5139.

[6] Zhou F, Sikorski TW, Ficarro SB, Webber JT, Marto JA. Online nanoflow reversed phase-strong anion exchange-reversed phase liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry platform for efficient and in-depth proteome sequence analysis of complex organisms. Analytical chemistry. 2011; 83(18): 6996-7005.

[7] Caro P, Kishan Amar U, Norberg E, Stanley IA, Chapuy B, Ficarro Scott B, Polak K, Tondera D, Gounarides J, Yin H, Zhou F, Green Michael R, Chen L, Monti S, Marto Jarrod A, Shipp Margaret A, Danial Nika N. Metabolic Signatures Uncover Distinct Targets in Molecular Subsets of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. Cancer Cell. 2012; 22(4): 547-560.
