首页  新闻中心  2010年


发表时间:2010-12-02  |  阅读次数:874次  |  字体大小 [ ]

报告题目:Endomicroscopic Tomography:  Advances in Fiber based OCT, MPM and CARS Imaging System

时间: 12月9日(周四)下午3:30-5:00


主讲人: Zhongping Chen, Ph.D.
Professor, Beckman Laser Institute, Dep. of Biomedical Enginnering, University of California, Irvine, USA
Guest Professor, Dept. of Cogno-Mechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea

Optical coherence tomography (OCT), multiphton microscopy (MPM), and coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy are imaging technologies that have found many biomedical applications.  This presentation focuses on the design and development of fiber based endoscopic OCT, MPM and CARS system, as well as the impact of these imaging systems in clinical medicine.  I will first briefly review the principle of these imaging technologies.  I will then highlight recent advances in the development of fiber sources, miniature probes, and system integration.  Finally, I will discuss translation of these imaging technologies for in vivo imaging and biomedical applications.
