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  • Zhang J, Ma J, Dou L, Wu S, Qian X, Xie H, Zhu Y, He F. Bayesian nonparametric model for the validation of peptide identification in shotgun proteomics. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 Mar;8(3):547-57.

  • Wang, W. ;Weng, J. ;Zhang, X. ;Liu, M. ;Zhang, M. Creating Conformational Entropy by Increasing Interdomain Mobility in Ligand Binding Regulation:A Revisit to N-terminal Tandem PDZ Domains of PSD-95. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009; 131(2):787-796.

  • Zhao, S. M. ;Lin, Y. ;Xu, W. ;Jiang, W. Q. ;Zha, Z. Y. ;Wang, P. ;Yu, W. ;Li, Z. Q. ;Gong, L. L. ;Peng, Y. J. ;Ding, J. P. ;Lei, Q. Y. ;Guan, K. L. ;Xiong, Y. Glioma-Derived Mutations in IDH1 Dominantly Inhibit IDH1 Catalytic Activity and Induce HIF-1 alpha. Science 2009; 324(5924): 261-265.   

  • Zhang, H. ;Liu, C. Y. ;Zha, Z. Y. ;Zhao, B. ;Yao, J. ;Zhao, S. M. ;Xiong, Y. ;Lei, Q. Y. ;Guan, K. L. TEAD Transcription Factors Mediate the Function of TAZ in Cell Growth and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2009; 284(20): 13355-13362.

  • Cheng, Q. Q. ;Su, Z. X. ;Zhong, Y. ;Gu, X. Effect of site-specific heterogeneous evolution on phylogenetic reconstruction: A simple evaluation. Gene, 2009; 441(1-2): Sp. Iss. SI: 156-162.

  • Liu K, Qian L, Li W, Deng X, Chen X, Sun W, Wei H, Qian X, Jiang Y, He F. Two-dimensional blue native/SDS PAGE analysis reveals HSPs chaperone machinery involved in HBV production in HepG2.2.15 cells. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 Mar;8(3):495-505.

  • Zou, Y. Y. ;Su, Z. X. ;Yang, J. ;Zeng, Y. W. ;Gu, X. Uncovering Genetic Regulatory Network Divergence Between Duplicate Genes Using Yeast eQTL Landscape. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. 2009 Nov 15;312(7):722-33.

  • Xiao-en Xu, Meng Qiao,Yang Zhang, Ying-hua Jiang, Ping Wei, Jun Yao, Bo Gu, Ya-qi Wang, Jing Lu, Qian Shi. Quantitative Proteomics Study of Breast Cancer Cell Lines Isolated from a Single Patient: Discovery of TIMM17A as a Marker for Breast Cancer. Proteomics, 2010; 10: 1-17.

  • Wenyu Wen,Jiang Yu,Lifeng Pan,Zhiyi Wei,Jingwei Weng,Wenning Wang,Yan Shan Ong,Tran Thi Ton Hoai,Wanjin Hong,Mingjie Zhang. Lipid-induced Conformational Switch Controls Fusion Activity of Longin Domain SNARE Ykt6. Mol Cell, 2010,37:383-395.

  • Ze Li, Bin Zhao, Ping Wang, Fei Chen, Zhenghong Dong, Huirong Yang, Kun-Liang Guan and Yanhui Xu. Structural insights into the YAP and TEAD complex. Genes & Development, 2010,24(3):235-240.

  • Jiang, H.L., Tan, X.S. Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 2C Metalloenzymes and Drug Metabolism. Progress in Chemistry, 2009; 21(5):911.

  • Ying, T. L. ;Wang, Z. H. ;Lin, Y. W. ;Xie, J. ;Tan, X. S. ;Huang, Z. X. Tyrosine-67 in cytochrome c is a possible apoptotic trigger controlled by hydrogen bonds via a conformational transition. Chemical Communications, 2009; 30:4512-4514.

  • Ying, T. L. ;Zhong, F. F. ;Xie, J. ;Feng, Y. J. ;Wang, Z. H. ;Huang, Z. X. ;Tan, X. S. Evolutionary alkaline transition in human cytochrome c. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2009; 41: 251-257.

  • Huang, Y. ;Qiu, C. ;Liu, L. X. ;Feng, Y. M. ;Zhu, T. ;Xu, J. Q. A mouse model based on replication-competent Tiantan vaccinia expressing luciferase/HIV-1 Gag fusion protein for the evaluation of protective efficacy of HIV vaccine. Chinese Medical Journal, 2009; 122(14):1655-1659.

  • Huang, H. Y. ;Song, T. J. ;Li, X. ;Hu, L. L. ;He, Q. ;Liu, M. ;Lane, M. D. ;Tang, Q. Q. BMP signaling pathway is required for commitment of C3H10T1/2 pluripotent stem cells to the adipocyte lineage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2009; 106(31):12670-12675.

  • Li, X. ;Molina, H. ;Huang, H. Y. ;Zhang, Y. Y. ;Liu, M. ;Qian, S. W. ;Slawson, C. ;Dias, W. B. ;Pandey, A. ;Hart, G. W. ;Lane, M. D. ;Tang, Q. Q. O-Linked N-Acetylglucosamine Modification on CCAAT Enhancer-binding Protein beta role during adipocyte differentiation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2009; 284(29): 19248-19254.

  • Wang W*, Weng J, Zhang X, Liu M, Zhang M. Creating Conformational Entropy by Increasing Interdomain Mobility in Ligand Binding Regulation: A Revisit to N-Terminal Tandem PDZ Domains of PSD-95. J Am Chem Soc, 2009, 131(2):787-796.

  • Gong, Y. G. ;Wu, C. N. ;Xing, Q. H. ;Zhao, X. Z. ;Zhu, J. ;He, L. A two-method meta-analysis of Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) association and heterogeneity in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2009; 111(1-3):109-114.

  • Li, X. W. ;Zhang, J. ;Wang, Y. ;Ji, J. ;Yang, F. ;Wan, C. ;Wang, P. ;Feng, G. ;Lindpaintner, K. ;He, L. ;He, G. Association study on the NAPG gene and bipolar disorder in the Chinese Han population. Neuroscience Letters 2009; 457(3): 159-162.

  • Bao, Huimin Song, Peiming Liu, Qingping Liu, Yinkun Yun, Dong Saiyin, Hexige Du, Ruyun Zhang, Yang Fan, Huizhi Yang, Pengyuan Chen, Xian. Quantitative proteomic analysis of a paired human liver healthy versus carcinoma cell lines with the same genetic background to identify potential hepatocellular carcinoma markers. Proteomics Clinical Applications, 2009; 3(6):705-719.

  • Liang, Shufang Yu, Yanbao Yang, Pengyuan Gu, Sheng Xue, Yan Chen, Xian. Analysis of the protein complex associated with 14-3-3 epsilon by a deuterated-leucine labeling quantitative proteomics strategy. Journal of Chromatography B, 2009; 877(7):637-634. 4.612

  • Song, Peiming Bao, Huimin Yu, Yanbao Xue, Yan Yun, Dong Zhang, Yang He, Yufei Liu, Yinkun Liu, Qingping Lu, Haojie Fan, Huizhi Luo, Jianhua Yang, Pengyuan Chen, Xian. Comprehensive profiling of metastasis-related proteins in paired hepatocellular carcinoma cells with different metastasis potentials. Proteomics Clinical Applications, 2009; 3(7):841-852.

  • He YF, Bao HM, Xiao XF, Zuo S, Du RY, Tang SW, Yang PY, Chen X. Biotin tagging coupled with amino acid-coded mass tagging (BioCAT) for efficient and precise screening of interaction proteome in mammalian cells. PROTEOMICS 2009; 9(24): 5414-5424.

  • Yanhua Wu, Jie Zuo, Guoqing Ji, Hexige Saiyin, Xing Liu, Feiyu Yin, Ning Cao, Yunfei Wen, Jian Jian Li, Long Yu*. Pro-apoptotic function of integrin β3 in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2009 Jan 1;15(1):60-9.

  • Huang, Z. H. ;Hua, D. ;Du, X. Polymorphisms in p53, GSTP1 and XRCC1 predict relapse and survival of gastric cancer patients treated with oxaliplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 2009; 64(5):1001-1007.

  • Ke, A. W. ;Shi, G. M. ;Zhou, J. ;Wu, F. Z. ;Ding, Z. B. ;Hu, M.  Y. ;Xu, Y. ;Song, Z. J. ;Wang, Z. J. ;Wu, J. C. ;Bai, D. S. ;Li, J. C. ;Liu, K. D. ;Fan, J. Role of Overexpression of CD151 and/or c-Met in Predicting Prognosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology, 2009;  49(2):491-503.

  • Li, Y. W. ;Qiu, S. J. ;Fan, J. ;Gao, Q. ;Zhou, J. ;Xiao, Y. S. ;Xu, Y. ;Wang, X. Y. ;Sun, J. ;Huang, X. W. Tumor-infiltrating macrophages can predict favorable prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma after resection. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2009; 135(3):439-449.

  • Sun, A. J. ;Ma, H. L. ;Xu, D. L. ;Wang, Y. ;Liu, M. ;Xu, L. ;Chen, J. L. ;Hu, T. H. ;Wang, Z. ;Wang, K. Q. ;Zou, Y. Z. ;Huang, W. ;Ge, J. B. Association between-455G/A and fibrinogen in a Chinese population. Acta Cardiologica 2009; 64(3):357-361.

  • Cheng, C. M. ;Kong, X. F. ;Wang, H. Z. ;Gan, H. C. ;Hao, Y. Q. ;Zou, W. Y. ;Wu, J. W. ;Chi, Y. Y. ;Yang, J. W. ;Hong, Y. ;Chen, K. L. ;Gu, J. X. Trihydrophobin 1 Interacts with PAK1 and Regulates ERK/MAPK Activation and Cell Migration. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009; 284(13):8777-8787.

  • Guo, L. ;Xie, J. H. ;Ruan, Y. Y. ;Zhou, L. ;Zhu, H. Y. ;Yun, X. J. ;Jiang, Y. ;Lu, L. ;Chen, K. L. ;Min, Z. H. ;Wen, Y. M. ;Gu, J. X.  Characterization and immunostimulatory activity of a polysaccharide from the spores of Ganoderma lucidum. International Immunopharmacology 2009; 9(10):1175-1182.

  • Liu, X. Q. ;Huang, G. Y. ;Liang, X. C. ;Ma, X. J.  Endothelial progenitor cells and arterial functions in the late convalescence period of Kawasaki disease. Acta Paediatrica, 2009; 98(8):1355-1359.

  • Fu, W. Q. ;Wang, Y. ;Li, R. ;Lin, R. ;Jin, L. Missing call bias in high-throughput genotyping. Bmc Genomics 2009; 10:106.

  • Lin, R. ;Wang, X. ;Wang, Y. ;Zhang, F. ;Fu, W. Q. ;Yu, T. ;Li, S. ;Xiong, M. ;Huang, W. ;Jin, L. Association of Polymorphisms in Four Bilirubin Metabolism Genes with Serum Bilirubin in Three Asian Populations. Human Mutation 2009; 30(4):609-615.

  • Yawei Xu, Zhangxiong Wu, Lijuan Zhang, Haojie Lu*, Pengyuan Yang, Paul A Webley, Dongyuan Zhao. Highly Specific Enrichment of Glycopeptides Using a Boronic Acid Functionalized Mesoporous Silica. Anal Chem. 2009 Jan 1;81(1):503-8.

  • Lin, R. ;Wang, Y. ;Fu, W. Q. ;Zhang, D. D. ;Zheng, H. X. ;Yu, T. ;Shen, M. ;Lei, R. ;Wu, H. ;Sun, A. J. ;Zhang, R. F. ;Wang, X. F. ;Xiong, M. M. ;Huang, W. ;Jin, L. Common variants of four bilirubin metabolism genes and their association with serum bilirubin and coronary artery disease in Chinese Han population. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics, 2009; 19(4):310-318.

  • Lu, M. ;Wang, X. F. ;Wang, F. ;Wang, S. M. ;Lin, R. Y. ;Wang, S. Z. ;Wen, H. ;Jin, L. WNK4 Polymorphisms and Essential Hypertension in the Uyghur Population. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 2009; 31(2):179-185.

  • Wang, X. F. ;Lu, M. ;Qian, J. ;Yang, Y. J. ;Li, S. L. ;Lu, D. R. ;Yu, S. Z. ;Meng, W. ;Ye, W. M. ;Jin, L. Rationales, design and recruitment of the Taizhou Longitudinal Study. Bmc Public Health, 2009; 9:223.

  • Xu, Z. ;Zhang, F. ;Xu, B. S. ;Tan, J. Z. ;Li, S. L. ;Jin, L. Improving the sensitivity of negative controls in ancient DNA extractions. Electrophoresis 2009; 30(8):1282-1285.

  • Xiaoyun Cai, Xiao-feng Wang, Shilin Li, Ji Qian, De-gui Qian, Fei Chen, Ya-jun Yang, Zi-yu Yuan, Jun Xu, Yidong Bai, Shun-zhang Yu,and li Jin. Association of Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups with Exceptional Longevity in a Chinese Population. PLoS One 2009; 4:7:e6423.

  • Han, C. ;Hu, T. C. ;Wu, D. L. ;Qu, S. ;Zhou, J. H. ;Ding, J. P. ;Shen, X. ;Qu, D. ;Jiang, H. L. X-ray crystallographic and enzymatic analyses of shikimate dehydrogenase from Staphylococcus epidermidis. Febs Journal 2009; 276(4):1125-1139.

  • Cai, S. Y. ; Kong, J. L.  Advance in Research on Carbon Nanotubes as Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents for Tumor. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2009; 37(8):1240-1246.

  • Chen, H. ;Jiang, C. M. ;Yu, C. ;Zhang, S. ;Liu, B. H. ;Kong, J. L. Protein chips and nanomaterials for application in tumor marker immunoassays. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2009; 24(12):3399-3411.

  • Chen, H. ;Yu, C. ;Jiang, C. M. ;Zhang, S. ;Liu, B. H. ;Kong, J. L. A novel near-infrared protein assay based on the dissolution and aggregation of aptamer-wrapped single-walled carbon nanotubes. Chemical Communications, 2009; 33:5006-5008.

  • Jiang, C. M. ;Chen, H. ;Kong, J. L. Electrochemical preparation of self-doped poly(N-(3-sulfonicpropion) anilide) and its application in sensing ethanol. Electrochimica Acta, 2009; 55(1):142-147.

  • Li, W. ;Jin, G. Y. ;Chen, H. ;Kong, J. L. Highly sensitive and reproducible cyclodextrin-modified gold electrodes for probing trace lead in blood. Talanta, 2009; 78(3):717-722.

  • Weng, X. X. ;Wang, M. Y. ;Ge, J. ;Yu, S. N. ;Liu, B. H. ;Zhong, J. ;Kong, J. L. Carbon nanotubes as a protein toxin transporter for selective HER2-positive breast cancer cell destruction. Molecular Biosystems, 2009; 5(10):1224-1231.

  • Xu, X. L. ;Zhang, S. ;Chen, H. ;Kong, J. L. Integration of electrochemistry in micro-total analysis systems for biochemical assays: Recent developments. Talanta, 2009; 80(1):8-18.

  • Xu, X. L. ;Zhou, G. L. ;Li, H. X. ;Liu, Q. ;Zhang, S. ;Kong, J. L. A novel molecularly imprinted sensor for selectively probing imipramine created on ITO electrodes modified by Au nanoparticles. Talanta 2009; 78(1):26-32.

  • Li HW, Liu H, Corrales CE, Risner JR , Forrester J, Holt JR, Heller S, Edge ASB. Differentiation of neurons from neural precursors generated in floating spheres from embryonic stem cells. BMC Neurosci. 2009 Sep 24;10:122.

  • Ji J, Yang H, Liu Y, Chen H, Kong JL, Liu BH. TiO2-assisted silver enhanced biosensor for kinase activity profiling.Chemical Communications, 2009; 12:1508-1510.

  • Qian K, Wan JJ, Qiao L, Huang XD, Tang JW, Wang YH, Kong JL, Yang PY, Yu CZ, Liu BH. Macroporous Materials as Novel Catalysts for Efficient and Controllable Proteolysis. Analytical Chemistry, 2009; 81(14):5749-5756.

  • Qiao L, Bi HY, Busnel JM, Waser J, Yang PY, Girault HH, Liu BH. Photocatalytic Redox Reactions for In-Source Peptide Fragmentation. Chemistry-a European Journal. 2009; 15(27):6511-6517.

  • Wan JJ, Qian K, Qiao L, Wang YH, Kong JL, Yang PY, Liu BH, Yu CZ. TiO2-Modified Macroporous Silica Foams for Advanced Enrichment of Multi-Phosphorylated Peptides. Chemistry-a European Journal, 2009; 15(11):2504-2508.

  • Wang Y, You CP, Zhang S, Kong JL, Marty JL, Zhao DY, Liu BH. Electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH at mesoporous carbon modified electrodes. Microchimica Acta, 2009; 167(1-2):75-79.

  • Weng J, Ma J, Fan K, Wang W*. Asymmetric conformational flexibility in the ATP-Binding Cassette transporter HI1470/1 Biophys. Biophys J. 2009 Mar 4;96(5):1918-30.

  • Yang H, Ji J , Liu Y, Kong JL, Liu BH. An aptamer-based biosensor for sensitive thrombin detection. Electrochemistry Communications, 2009; 11(1):38-40.

  • Rao NY, Hu Z, Yu JM, Li WF, Zhang B, Su FX, Wu J, Shen ZZ, Huang W, Shao ZM*. Evaluating the performance of models for predicting the BRCA germline mutations in Han Chinese familial breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Aug;116(3):563-70.

  • You CP, Li X, Zhang S, Kong JL, Zhao DY, Liu BH. Electrochemistry and biosensing of glucose oxidase immobilized on Pt-dispersed mesoporous carbon. Microchimica Acta, 2009;167(1-2):109-116.

  • Yin WJ, Lu JS, Di GH, Lin YP, Zhou LH, Liu GY, Wu J, Shen KW, Han QX, Shen ZZ, Shao ZM*. Clinicopathological features of the triple-negative tumors in Chinese breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 May;115(2):325-33.

  • You CP, Tian BZ, Kong JL, Zhao DY, Liu BH. Electrochemistry and biosensing of glucose oxidase based on mesoporous carbons with different spatially ordered dimensions. Talanta, 2009; 78(3):705-710.

  • Cao AY, Huang J, Hu Z, Li WF, Ma ZL, Tang LL, Zhang B, Su FX, Zhou J, Di GH, Shen KW, Wu J, Lu JS, Luo JM, Yuan WT, Shen ZZ, Huang W, Shao ZM*. Mutation analysis of BRIP1/BACH1 in BRCA1/BRCA2 negative Chinese women with early onset breast cancer or affected relatives. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 May;115(1):51-5.

  • You CP, Xuewu Y, Wang Y, Zhang S, Kong J, Zhao DY , Liu BH. Electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH based on bicontinuous gyroidal mesoporous carbon with low overpotential. Electrochemistry Communications, 2009; 11(1):227-230.

  • Cao AY, Huang J, Hu Z, Li WF, Ma ZL, Tang LL, Zhang B, Su FX, Zhou J, Di GH, Shen KW, Wu J, Lu JS, Luo JM, Yuan WT, Shen ZZ, Huang W, Shao ZM*. The prevalence of PALB2 germline mutations in BRCA1/BRCA2 negative Chinese women with early onset breast cancer or affected relatives. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Apr;114(3):457-62.

  • Cao J, Shen CP, Wang H, Shen HL, Chen YC, Nie AY, Yan GQ Lu HJ , Liu YK, Yang PY. Identification of N-Glycosylation Sites on Secreted Proteins of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells with a Complementary Proteomics Approach. Journal of Proteome Research, 2009; 8(2):662-672.

  • Yin W, Di G, Zhou L, Lu J, Liu G, Wu J, Shen K, Han Q, Shen Z, Shao Z*. Time-varying pattern of recurrence risk for Chinese breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Apr;114(3):527-35.

  • Guo K, Li Y, Kang XN, Sun L, Cui JF , Gao DM, Liu YK. Role of PKC beta in hepatocellular carcinoma cells migration and invasion in vitro: a potential therapeutic target. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis, 2009; 26(3):189-195.

  • Rao NY, Hu Z, Li WF, Huang J, Ma ZL, Zhang B, Su FX, Zhou J, Di GH, Shen KW, Wu J, Lu JS, Luo JM, Yuan WT, Shen ZZ, Huang W, Shao ZM*. Models for predicting BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Han Chinese familial breast and/or ovarian cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Feb;113(3):467-77.

  • Wang N, Kang XN, Liu YK, Guo K, Cui JF, Sun RX, Chen J, Zhao Y, Chen P. Membrane Protein Glycanprofiling of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell With Different Metastastic Potential by Lectin Microarray. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2009 36(10):1348-1355. 

  • Li LF, Xu XJ, Zhao Y, Liu ZB, Shen ZZ, Jin WR, Shao ZM*. Integrated gene expression profile predicts prognosis of breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Jan;113(2):231-7.

  • Zhou HJ, Hei ZY, Shi J, Guo K, Sun BS, Wu JC, Zhao Y, Fu LY, Dai C, Gao DM, Sun RX, Zhao Y, Chen J Wang L, Qin LX, Liu YK. Overexpression and Effect on Apoptosis of the 150-ku Oxygen-regulated Protein (ORP150) in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2009; 36(10):1275-1282.

  • Guo, K. ;Kang, N. X. ;Li, Y. ;Sun, L. ;Gan, L. ;Cui, F. J. ;Gao, M. D. ;Liu, K. Y. Regulation of HSP27 on NF-_B pathway activation is involved in metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma cells apoptosis. Biomed Central Cancer, 2009; 9100.

  • Haiyu Li, Zhenggang Ren, Lan Zhang, Xuefei Li, Yan Wang, Tongchun Xue, Yuefang Shen, Yinkun Liu. Identification of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins associated with metastasis and functional analysis of FER in human hepatocellualr carcinoma cell. BMC Cancer. 2009 Oct 16;9:366.

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  • Wei, L. M. ;Shen, Q. ;Lu, H. J. ;Yang, P. Y. Pretreatment of low-abundance peptides on detonation nanodiamond for direct analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 2009; 877(29):3631-3637.

  • Xu, Y. W. ;Wu, Z. X. ;Zhang, L. J. ;Lu, H. J. ;Yang, P. Y. ;Webley, P. A. ;Zhao, D. Y. Highly Specific Enrichment of Glycopeptides Using Boronic Acid-Functionalized Mesoporous Silica. Analytical Chemistry, 2009; 81(1):503-508.

  • Zhang, L. J. ;Xu, Y. W. ;Lu, H. J. ;Yang, P. Y. Carboxy group derivatization for enhanced electron-transfer dissociation mass spectrometric analysis of phosphopeptides. Proteomics, 2009; 9(16):4093-4097.

  • Zhang, L. J. ;Xu, Y. W. ;Yao, H. L. ;Xie, L. Q. ;Yao, J. ;Lu, H. J. ;Yang, P. Y.  Boronic Acid Functionalized Core-Satellite Composite Nanoparticles for Advanced Enrichment of Glycopeptides and Glycoproteins.  Chemistry-a European Journal, 2009; 15(39): 10158-10166.

  • Wei, L. M.; Zhang, W.; Lu, H. J.; Yang, P. Y. Immobilization of enzyme on detonation nanodiamond for highly efficient proteolysis. Talanta. 2010 Jan 15;80(3):1298-304.

  • Yang H, Ji J, Liu Y, Kong JL, Liu BH. An aptamer-based biosensor for sensitive thrombin detection. Electrochem Commun, 2009; 11: 38-40.

  • Fu LY, Jia HL, Dong QZ, Wu JC, Zhao Y, Zhou HJ, Ren N, Ye QH, Qin LX. Suitable reference genes for real-time PCR in human HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma with different clinical prognoses. BMC Cancer. 2009 Feb 6;9:49.

  • Zhou, H. J. ;Hei, Z. Y. ;Shi, J. ;Guo, K. ;Sun, B. S. ;Wu, J. C. ;Zhao, Y. ;Fu, L. Y. ;Dai, C. ;Gao, D. M. ;Sun, R. X. ;Chen, J. ;Wang, L. ;Qin, L. X. ;Liu, Y. K. Overexpression and Effect on Apoptosis of the 150-ku Oxygen-regulated Protein (ORP150) in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2009; 36(10): 1275-1282.

  • Xu L, Su Z, Gu Z, Gu X*. Detecting parallel evolution of RNases in leaf monkeys: it is a problem of molecular phylogeny. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2009 Feb;50(2):397-400.

  • Sun J, Xu HM, Zhou HJ, Dong QZ, Zhao Y, Fu LY, Hei ZY, Ye QH, Ren N, Jia HL, Qin LX. The prognostic significance of preoperative plasma levels of osteopontin in patients with TNM stage-I of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2010;136,1-7.

  • Yu-Quan Xiong, Hui-Chuan Sun, Wei Zhang, Xiao-Dong Zhu, Peng-Yuan Zhuang, Ju-Bo Zhang, Lu Wang, Wei-zhong Wu, Lun-Xiu Qin, Zhao-You Tang. Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumor–derived Endothelial Cells Manifest Increased Angiogenesis Capability and Drug Resistance Compared with Normal Endothelial Cells. Clinic Cancer Research, 2009; 15(15): 4838-4846.

  • Gu X*. Su Z*, Huang Y. Simultaneous Expansions of MicroRNAs and Protein-coding Genes by Gene/Genome Duplications in Early Vertebrates. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. 2009 May 15;312B(3):164-70.

  • 董琼珠, 赵越, 付丽云, 史炯, 戴春, 钦伦秀. 骨桥蛋白通过激活AKT信号通路促进肝癌细胞的侵袭转移. 中国肿瘤外科杂志, 2009; 1(2):8.

  • Cao, A. Y. ;Huang, J. ;Hu, Z. ;Li, W. F. ;Ma, Z. L. ;Tang, L. L. ;Zhang, B. ;Su, F. X. ;Zhou, J. ;Di, G. H. ;Shen, K. W. ;Wu, J. ;Lu, J. S. ;Luo, J. M. ;Yuan, W. T. ;Shen, Z. Z. ;Huang, W. ;Shao, Z. M. Mutation analysis of BRIP1/BACH1 in BRCA1/BRCA2 negative Chinese women with early onset breast cancer or affected relatives. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2009; 115(1):51-55.

  • Fan, L. ;Zheng, Y. ;Yu, K. D. ;Liu, G. Y. ;Wu, J. ;Lu, J. S. ;Shen, K. W. ;Shen, Z. Z. ;Shao, Z. M.  Breast cancer in a transitional society over 18 years: trends and present status in Shanghai, China. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2009; 117(2): 409-416.

  • Feng, L. Y. ;Ou, Z. L. ;Wu, F. Y. ;Shen, Z. Z. ;Shao, Z. M. Involvement of a Novel Chemokine Decoy Receptor CCX-CKR in Breast Cancer Growth, Metastasis and Patient Survival. Clinical Cancer Research, 2009; 15(9):2962-2970.

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