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Liu Yan-Jun

发表时间:2022-09-28  |  阅读次数:513次  |  字体大小 [ ]

Yan-Jun Liu, Ph.D.

PI, Institutes of biomedical sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032

Address: No 131, Dong’an Road, Shanghai, China


Education and work experience:

2016-present, Professor, PI, Institutes of biomedical sciences, Fudan university, Shanghai, China

2008-2016, Postdoc researcher, Institut Curie & Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris (ENS), Paris, France

2002-2008, Ph.D. Wuhan University, Wuhan, China


Yan-Jun Liu did Ph.D. in the field of microfluidics and their applications in biomedical sciences at Wuhan University from 2002 to 2008. During that period, Dr. Liu participated in Programme Sino-Francais de Recherches Avancées (PRA), and was expatriated to Yong Chen’s group, microfluidics lab at Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris (ENS). After graduation in 2008, Dr. Liu joined Matthieu Piel’s group as post-doc researcher in System biology of cell polarity and cell division lab at Institut Curie and worked on interdisciplinary fields. In 2016, Dr. Liu initiated her own lab at Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University. In 2020, Dr. Liu awarded a prestigious Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) young investigator with Verena Ruprecht and Andrea Pauli.

Research interests:

Our lab focuses on microfluidics and cell dynamics and behaviors in confined microenvironments, including cell polarity, cell migration and division. We develop and apply innovative tools based on biomaterials, microfluidics and micro-fabrication techniques to reconstitute cell microenvironments in vivo by controlling and modulating the cellular physical and chemical parameters of microenvironments,  then squeeze cells and investigate their dynamics and behaviors under confinement. By combining these tools with live cell imaging and cell biology techniques, we try to discover their behaviors in crowded microenvironments and explore their mechanism.

  1. Microfluidics

  2. Organ-on-a-chip and Drug screening

  3. Cell/tissue/Organ microenvironments reconstitution

  4. Cell dynamics and behaviors study under confinement

  5. Cell detection and analysis

Selected Publications:                         

1.      Yan-Jun Liu, Mael Le Berre, Franziska Lautenschlaeger, Paolo Maiuri, Andrew Callan Jones, Mélina Heuzé, Tohru Takaki, Raphaël Voituriez,and Matthieu Piel, Confinement and low adhesion induce fast amoeboid migration of slow mesenchymal cells.Cell, 2015, 160, 659-672.

2.      Yixin Liu, Ya-Jun Wang, Yang Du, Wei Liu, Xuedong Huang, Zihui Fan, Jiayin Lu, Runqiu Yi, Xiao-Wei Xiang, Xinwei Xia, Hongzhou Gu, Yan-Jun Liu*, Baohong Liu*, DNA nanomachines reveal an adaptive energy mode in confinement-induced amoeboid migration powered by polarized mitochondrial distribution, PNAS, 2024, 121(14): e2317492121.

3.      Ya-Jun Wang, Hong Liang, Yixin Liu, Qiyuan Bao, Shuang Yang, Xin-Xin Xu, Yu-Chen Chen, Wei Liu, Xuemeng Shi, Yuheng Shi, Xiaohui Liu, Baohong Liu, Hai Gao, Yaming Jiu, Yan-Jun Liu*Lamin A/C and vimentin as a coordinated regulator during amoeboid migration in microscale confined microenvironments. Nano Letters, 2023, 23, 14, 6727–6735.

4.      Yu-Lian Zeng, Yang Du, Xin-Xin Xu, Ya-Jun Wang, Sai-Xi Yu, Ting Liu, Shiyuan Luo, Xiao-Wei Xiang, Wei Liu, Yu-Chen Chen, Hongjun Huang, Hai Gao, Yuhui Shen, Yan Luo, Chengrong Bao, Yan-Jun Liu*, On-chip modeling of physiological and pathological blood-brain barrier microenvironment for studying glial response to neuroinflammation. Nano Today, 2023,101947.

5.      Wei Liu, Jia-Yin Lu, Ya-Jun Wang, Xin-Xin Xu, Yu-Chen Chen, Sai-Xi Yu, Xiao-Wei Xiang, Xue-Zhu Chen, Yaming Jiu, Hai Gao, Mengyao Sheng, Zheng-Jun Chen, Xinyao Hu, Dong Li, Paolo Maiuri, Xinxin Huang, Tianlei Ying, Guo-Liang Xu, Dai-Wen Pang, Zhi-Ling Zhang, Baohong Liu, Yan-Jun Liu*, Vaccinia virus induces EMT-like transformation and RhoA-mediated mesenchymal migration. Journal of Medical Virology, 2023, 95:e29041.

6.      Yixin Liu, Zihui Fan, Xiao-Wei Xiang, Xiaonan Tao, Xinwei Xia, Qian Shi, Yanwei Lu, Jiayin Lu, Hongzhou Gu, Yan-Jun Liu*, Baohong Liu*, Engineering of multivalent membrane-anchored DNA frameworks for precise profiling of variable membrane permeability during reversible electroporation, Small Methods, 2023, 2301198.

7.      Congling Xu, Chengyu Li, Jiwei Chen, Yan Xiong, Zhibin Qiao, Pengyu Fan, Conghui Li, Shuangyu Ma, Jin Liu, Aixia Song, Bolin Tao, Tao Xu, Wei Xu, Yayun Chi, Jingyan Xue, Pu Wang, Dan Ye, Hongzhou Gu, Peng Zhang, Qiong Wang, Ruijing Xiao, Jingdong Cheng, Hai Zheng, Xiaoli Yu, Zhen Zhang, Jiong Wu, Kaiwei Liang, Yan-Jun Liu, Huasong Lu*, Fei Xavier Chen*, R-loop dependent promoter-proximal termination maintains genome stability.Nature, 2023, 621, 610-619.

8.       Xiao-Wei Xiang, Hao-Tian Liu, Wei Liu, Ze-Yao Yan, Yu-Lian Zeng, Ya-Jun Wang, Jing Liu, Yu-Chen Chen, Sai-Xi Yu, Cai-Hui Zhu, Xiao-Nan Tao, Chen Wang, Jin-Tao Wu, Yang Du, Xin-Xin Xu, Hai Gao, Yaming Jiu, Jiong Ma, Jian Qiu, Lingqian Chang, Guangyin Jing, Ke-Fu Liu, Yan-Jun Liu*, Revolutionizing Wound Healing: Ultrashort Pulse Electric Fields in Seconds for Highly Aligned Extracellular Matrix and Efficient Cell Migration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144267.

9.      Sai-Xi Yu, Yi Wu, Hao Luo, Yanan Liu, Yu-Chen Chen, Ya-Jun Wang, Wei Liu, Jianan Tang, Huijuan Shi, Hai Gao, Guangyin Jing, Yan-Jun Liu*, Escaping behavior of sperms on biomimetic oviductal surface. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95, 2366-2374.

10.   Sai-Xi Yu, Yanan Liu, Yi Wu, Hao Luo, Ya-Jun Wang, Xuemei Wang, Hai Gao, Huijuan Shi, Guangyin Jing, Yan-Jun Liu*, Cervix chip mimicking cervical microenvironment for quantifying sperm locomotion. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 204, 114040.

11.   Zihui Fan, Bin Li, Ya-Jun Wang, Xuedong Huang, Binxiao Li, Shurong Wang, Yixin Liu, Yan-Jun Liu*, and Baohong Liu*, Spatially Resolved Single-Molecule Profiling of MicroRNAs in Migrating Cells Driven by Microconfinement. Chemical Science, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1039/D2SC04132D.

12.   S. Yang, Y. Xiong, Y. Du, Y-J. Wang, Lei Zhang, F. Shen, Yan-Jun. Liu*, X. Liu*, P. Yang*, Ultrasensitive trace sample proteomics unraveled the protein remodelling during mesenchymal-amoeboid transition.Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94, 768-776.

13.   Yixin Liu, Binxiao Li, Ya-Jun Wang,Zihui Fan, Yang Du, Bin Li, Yan-Jun Liu,* Baohong Liu*, In situ single-molecule imaging of microRNAs in migrating cells under confined microenvironments.Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94, 4030-4038.

14.   Xiao-Wei Xiang, Hao-Tian Liu, Xiao-Nan Tao, Yu-Lian Zeng, Jing Liu, Chen Wang, Sai-Xi Yu, Hui Zhao, Yan-Jun Liu*, Ke-Fu Liu, Glioblastoma Behavior Study under Different Frequency Electromagnetic Field.iScience, 2023, 26, 108575.

15.   Li Wang, Hong Liang, Bingjing Sun, Jing Mi, Xianqin Tong, Yuhui Wang, Meihua Chen, Liming Yu, Jie Pan, Shangfen Liu, Yan-Jun Liu*, Yuehua Liu*, Role of TRPC6 in periodontal tissue reconstruction mediated by appropriate stress. Stem Cell Research &Therapy, 2022, 13, 401.

16.   Changyuan Fan, Xuemeng Shi, Kaikai Zhao, Linbo Wang, Kun Shi, Yan-Jun Liu, Hui Li, Baohua Ji, and Yaming Jiu, Cell migration orchestrates migrasome formation by shaping retraction fibers, Journal of Cell Biology, 2022, 221, e202109168.

17.   W. Liu, D. Tang, X-X. Xu, Yan-Jun. Liu*, Y. Jiu*, How Physical Factors Coordinate Virus Infection – a Perspective from Mechanobiology. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 2021, 9, 764516.

18.   Y. Xu, Q. Bao, S-X. Yu, Q. Liu, Y. Xie, X. Li, Yan-Jun. Liu*, Y. Shen*, A Novel Microfluidic Chip for Fast, Sensitive Quantification of Plasma Extracellular Vesicles as Biomarkers in Patients with Osteosarcoma, Frontiers in Oncology, 2021, 11, 709255.

19.   Y. Liu, Y. Yao, B. Yang, Yan-Jun. Liu*, B. Liu*, In-situ monitoring of cell-secreted lactate by electrochemiluminescence sensing under biomimetic microfluidic confinement, Chinese Chemical Letters,2021,doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2021.09.074

20.   R. Niwayama, P. Moghe, Yan-Jun. Liu, D. Fabrèges, F. Buchholz, M. Piel, T. HiiragiA tug-of-war between cell shape and polarity controls division orientation to ensure robust patterning in the mouse blastocyst. Developmental Cell, 2019, 51, 564-574.

21.   Y. Zhang, Z. Wen, X. Shi, Yan-Jun. Liu, J. E. Eriksson and Y. Jiu, The diverse roles and dynamic rearrangement of vimentin during viral infection,Journal of Cell Science, 2020, jcs250597

22.   S. Zhao, J. Cai, Y. Zhang, W. Gao, Y. Xue, Yan-Jun. Liu, H. Li, Y. Jiu, Immature myosin II stack formation by myosin-18B depletion compromises mechanosensitivity of contractile actin stress fibres, iScience, 2020, 23, 100975.

23.   Mael Le Berre#, Yan-Jun Liu#, Jie Hu, Paolo Maiuri, Raphael Voituriez, Yong Chen, Matthieu Piel, Geometric friction directs cell migration. Physical Review Letters, 2013, 111, 198101
