
Faculty Positions in the Institutes of Biomedical Sciences


The Institutes of Biomedical Sciences (IBS) of Fudan University, established in 2005 by Prof. Fuchu He (academician of CAS),aims to build a leading biomedical research center in Chang-Shan-Jiao area. From 2005 to 2016, under the leadership of Drs. Fu-chu He, Lin He (academician of CAS), and Peng-Yuan Yang, IBS formed three main research directions, medical epigenetics, metabolic and molecular cell biology, proteomics and systems biology, and a state-of-art core facility supporting the three search directions. Since 2017, Prof. Junbo Ge, distinguished cardiologist and academician of CAS, has joined IBS as the current director, and Prof. Guoliang Xu (academician of CAS), renowned epigenetics biologist, has joined as the executive director.

The mission of IBS is to establish world first-class research institutes, achieve breakthrough discoveries in both basic biological research areas and clinical orientated studies fighting against life threatening diseases. At present, IBS research teams are tackling the key research and clinic issues centering epigenetics, cancer biology, molecular metabolism, structure biology, proteomics, chemical biology, bioinformatics, cardiovascular disease, tumor immunology, stem cell, microbiota, biomaterials and innovative drug discovery, et al.

We are currently seeking outstanding scientists to lead independent research programs focusing on the frontier of biomedical science and translational medicine,which include, but are not limited to, cancer, cardiovascular disease, medical epigenetics,immunology, molecular and cellular biology, metabolism, chemical biology, system biology, new biotechnologies and biomaterials, and the discovery of innovative drug with the goal of preventing major diseases.

Competitive candidates should have a PhD/MD degree, a prominent record of research accomplishments, creative and independent research plan. Candidates with strong interests in translational medicine will be considered with priority.

Interested applicants for any questions about the application process should send the following package to (Ms.Bao)

Required Documents:

1. Cover Letter

2. Curriculum vitae: a complete list of publications should be included.

3. Statement of Research Summary and Research Proposal

4. 3 Letters of Reference

No expiration date for this advertisement.
