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  • 王文宁

    地址:邯郸路 220号,老化学楼 206室,上海 200433
    电话:021-65643985 (办公室),021-65643792 (实验室)

课题组长王文宁主持和参与多项国家和省部级项目,包括国家重点研发计划、科技部973,863项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部博士点基金、上海市科委项目等。迄今为止,已在国内外学术刊物上发表论文近90篇,包括Molecular Cell, Nature Communication, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, J. Biol. Chem.等。

  1. Zhu, J., Wen, W., Zheng, Z., Shang, Y., Wei, Z., Xiao, Z., Pan, Z., Du Q.*, Wang W.*, Zhang M.* (2011) “LGN/mInsc and LGN/NuMA complexes structures suggest distinct functions in asymmetric cell division for the Par3/mInsc/LGN and Gai/LGN/NuMA pathways”, Mol. Cell, 43, 418-431. (IF=14.714)

  2. Jia, M., Shan, Z., Yang, Y., Liu, C., Li, J., Luo, Z., Zhang, M., Cai Y.*, Wen W.*, Wang W.* (2015) “The structural basis of Miranda-mediated Staufen localization during Drosophila neuroblast asymmetric division” Nat. Commun. 6:8381. (IF=12.124)

  3. Wang, W.*, Weng, J., Zhang, X., Liu, M., Zhang, M.* (2009) “Creating conformational entropy by increasing inter-domain mobility in ligand binding regulation: a revisit to N-terminal tandem PDZ domains of PSD-95”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 787-796. (IF=13.858)

  4. Feng, Y., Zhang, L., Wu, S., Gao, X., Liu, J.*, Huang, X.*, Wang, W.* (2016) “Conformational Dynamics of apo-GlnBP Revealed by Experimental and Computational Analysis” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 55, 13990-13994. (IF=11.994)

  5. Wu S., Wang D., Liu J., Feng Y., Weng J., Gao X., Liu J.*, Wang W.* (2017) “The Dynamic Multisite Interactions between Two Intrinsically Disordered Proteins” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 56:7515-7519.    (IF=11.994)

    Reviewed by: Faculty of 1000

  6. Yao, C., Wei, C., Huang, Z., Lu, Y., El-Toni, AM, Ju, D., Zhang, X., Wang, W.*, Zhang, F.* (2016) “Phosphorylated Peptides Functionalization of Lanthanide Upconversion Nanoparticles for Tuning the Nanomaterial-Cell Interaction” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 6935-6943. 

  7. Ma, W., Shang, Y., Wei, Z., Wen, W., Wang, W.*, Zhang, M.* (2010) “Phosphorylation of DCC by ERK2 is Facilitated by Direct Docking of the Receptor P1 Domain to the Kinase” Structure, 18, 1502-1511.

  8. Pan, Z., Zhu, J., Shang, Y., Wei, Z., Jia, M., Xia, C., Wen, W., Wang W.*, Zhang M.* (2013) “An auto-inhibited conformation of LGN reveals a distinct interaction mode between GoLoco motifs and TPR motifs” Structure, 21, 1007-1017.        

  9. Weng, J., Fan, K. Wang, W.* (2010) “The conformational transition pathway of ATP binding cassette transporter MsbA revealed by atomistic simulations” J. Biol. Chem. 285, 3053-3063.

  10. Jia, M., Li, J., Zhu, J., Wen, W., Zhang, M., Wang, W.* (2012) “Crystal Structures of the scaffolding protein LGN reveal the general mechanism by which GoLoco binding motifs inhibit the release of GDP from Gai subunits in G-coupled heterotrimeric proteins”, J. Biol. Chem., 287, 36766-36776.

  11. Zuo, Z., Wang, B., Weng, J.*, Wang, W.* (2015) “Stepwise substrate translocation mechanism revealed by free energy calculations of doxorubicin in the multidrug transporter AcrB.” Sci. Rep. 5:13905.

  12. Weng, J., Ma, J., Fan, KN, Wang, W.* (2008) “The Conformational Coupling .and Translocation Mechanism of Vitamin B12 ATP-binding Cassette (ABC) Transporter BtuCD”, Biophys. J., 94, 612-62.

  13. Weng, J., Ma, J. Fan, K., and Wang, W.* (2009) “Asymmetric conformational flexibility in the ATP-Binding Cassette transporter HI1470/1” Biophys. J. 96, 1918-1930.

  14. Weng, J., Gu, S., Gao, X., Huang, X.*, Wang, W.* (2017) “Maltose Binding Protein Effectively Stabilizes the Partially Closed Conformation of the ATP-binding Cassette Transporter MalFGK2” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 9366-9373.

  15. Wang, B., Weng, J.*, Wang, W.* (2015) “Substrate binding accelerates the conformational transitions and substrate dissociation in multidrug efflux transporter AcrB” Front. Microbiol. 6, 302.

  16. Wu S., Wang D., Liu J., Feng Y., Weng J., Gao X., Liu J.*, Wang W.* (2017) “The Dynamic Multisite Interactions between Two Intrinsically Disordered Proteins” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 56:7515-7519.

